Analysis Web App

To get the analysis web application running you have two options:

1) Download the open-source software R and run the application on your own PC
2) Ask to host it for you (paid service)

Since option two is boring and not challenging at all:

  1. Download and install R:
  2. Open R – don't be afraid, you really don't have to program
  3. Now while you are connected to the internet type:
    install.packages('shiny') and press enter – wait while it is installing all the packages
  4. library('shiny') and press enter
  5. runGitHub('radiotrackingeu/logger_app') and press enter – this may also take a while
  6. done – the browser should open and show you the web application – the next time you want to start the web app, just run the last command: runGitHub('radiotrackingeu/logger_app')

If you want to use the app offline, please follow the instructions as stated above at least one time and follow the next steps:

  1. Download the web app: GitHub
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Open R
  4. library('shiny') and press enter
  5. runApp(file.choose()) press enter and choose app.R in the unzipped folder
  6. TaDaaa