Although the system is working, some refinement is still being undertaken. As such an overview of the software is appropriate here.
There are two principal parts to the software. Both operate under the computer’s browser. One part operates the system, and the other analyses the data. Additional software is required to copy the software onto the micro SD card used to run the Raspberry Pi , and to run the analysis software. This additional software is available for free on the Web.
Raspberry Pi's Operating System
After you followed the basic instructions on how to set up the raspberry pi (shown in the get started – section of this website) and plugged in the USB power cable it automatically creates a WiFi hotspot (ID: rteuv2 and Password: sdrtracking). Connect to that WiFi network and after you are successfully connected open your browser and navigate to The browser should show you the page as above. All features can be controlled using that website (ID: Pi, Password: rteuv2!).
For developers only: On GitHub you will find the source code in two branches – master is the stable version and live the development version.
Analysis Software
To analyse the logged signals, calculate the bearings and to triangulate the position, R software is used as a web application (using the shiny package).